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Business Presentation

Our Methodology

Businesses are in a need of a quick turnaround on business problems, with the highest priority being accorded to issues impacting customer experience and cost of operations.


Mind Lane is able to consistently deliver business outcomes through our well proven Consulting and Implementation methodology, which is flexible and adaptable to any sized business problem whether small or large catering to different business outcomes

Working Together

Problem Investigation

The first step to finding a solution starts with understanding the problem via a quick scan. Through our structured approach we investigate the Processes, Operating model, data and the underlying IT. This step provides the inputs to the business case and is a good baseline for comparing the effectiveness of the improvements.

Analysis & To Be definition

We identify key areas of waste in the process, analyse data & IT System issues. Benchmarking and best practise alignment, outside in view and LEAN are some of the analysis techniques we employ. Once sufficient analysis is done, we create a TO-BE vision of the Processes & operating model, enabled by refined IT/ Automation/Digital means. Improvements are categorised into Quick wins/Medium term & long term solutions. Every improvement is supported by a Business case

Image by Kaleidico
Image by airfocus

Implementation & Benefit Realisation

To deliver business benefits identified in the TO-BE definition phase, we create a detailed roadmap in agreement with the various stakeholders. This agreement is an important part of managing and implementing the change, which is followed by rollout planning and user trainings. Once rollout is done, a benefit measurement is carried against the baseline. If there is further scope of improvement, another round of continual improvement is planned on the improved baseline.

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